The new year is upon us and if you are thinking about or trying to quit smoking, IMA has put together your Quit Smoking Checklist. This checklist will help guide you to quit smoking, so you can start the new year off healthier! And remember, your IMA Primary Care Provider is here to help you quit, it’s a good idea to set up an appointment with your primary care provider so they can help you through the process.



  • Getting Ready for Quit Day
    Pick your quit date. Mark it on your calendar.
  • Tell family and friends your quit date.
  • Sign up for New Jersey’s FREE Smoker’s Quitline by visiting You can find support and free resources to help you quit smoking through this service.
  • Stock up on sugarless gum, carrot sticks and sugarless hard candy.
  • If you plan to use nicotine replacement therapy, get your supplies or prescription.
  • Will you attend a smoking cessation class? If so, sign up now.
  • Practice saying, “No thanks, I don’t smoke.”
  • Get rid of all cigarettes, ashtrays, lighters, matches and other smoking items.

Quit Day and Beyond.

  • Ask those who live with you not to smoke around you. Spend time with non-smokers.
  • Keep busy, stay active – try walking, exercising, or other activities that keep you busy.
  • Drink lots of water.
  • Begin using the nicotine replacements you have chosen.
  • Attend a stop-smoking class. You can find free stop-smoking classes by visiting the New Jersey Quitline.
  • Reduce or avoid using alcohol and coffee, as they are smoking triggers.
  • Avoid people and places that tempt you to smoke.
  • Alter some of your daily habits, like mealtimes or route to work.
  • Alternatives for your mouth – like healthy snacks, gum, carrot sticks
  • Activities for your hands – needlework, woodcarving, or other hobbies
  • Remind yourself that quitting smoking is the most important thing you can do for your health.
    For resources to help you quit smoking, you can visit or
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